Because that’s, what heroes do

This quote is repeated by Thor alongside some hilarious comedic elements. In the movie Thor: Ragnarok, the act of heroism and stepping up is also displayed by others.

But they are reluctant. They have obstacles that hold them back until they realize that their calling is greater than themselves.

Accepting past trauma. Valkyrie joins the “Revengers” after years of hiding on Sakkar instead of facing the reality of Hela’s massacre.

Overcoming fear. Banner saves the Asgardians from Fenris knowing full well that he may stay the Hulk forever.

We all have our own personal obstacles that stop us from doing what we know should be done. Stories we tell ourselves as an excuse for not taking action.

So what’s holding you back from stepping up? How will you answer the call to action?

Ask yourself these questions. Because that’s, what heroes do.

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