Site icon Tomorrow Mastery

In the trench

Four pairs of hands furiously dig to repair the trench. The waves keep coming. Some barely reach the base. Others tear chunks from the walls leaving the defense vulnerable. And every few minutes a big one engulfs the trench, encasing the four within.

But the work continues. Digging and repairing the walls. Slowly, the walls get thicker. They get higher and wider. They become more and more resilient. They resist the assault with each passing minute of work.

Triumph! The structure is magnificent. 4inch thick walls, 6feet across, and an entire foot and a half high. In the face of adversity, the four have won.

By tomorrow, the sand trench will have been washed away by the ocean. The four small kids playing on the beach will have gone home to live their lives.

But today, they’ve overcome a force of nature. Today they are creators.

What will you create today?

Epilogue: Oh yea, one of the kids started kicking down the wall before the parents got their camera to take a picture. There’s always people that will try to break down what you build. Don’t take it personally.

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