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Taste unexpected

Tonight, I made myself a strawberry smoothie with chocolate protein powder. It was a batch of fresh strawberries and the best tasting protein powder I’ve ever had. Upon first sip, I thought it was good… a few gulps later, i thought to myself – ew, I’m never doing this combination again.

Several years ago, my friend Adam got his hands on some chocolate covered bacon. I was super stoked. I love bacon and I LOVE chocolate.

It was disgusting as hell. A few months afterwards, I gave it another shot with a different brand. Still nope. BIG NOPE.

Last week, my wife made a recipe of pork meatballs using coconut oil. Normally, the coconut oil we get is flavorless, but we had gotten an organic jar that was less processed. So when it was cooking, the smell of coconuts filled the apartment. While I’m a fan of pork, I generally am not a fan of coconut flavored things (unless it’s chocolate). And when I took that first bite…

It was DE – LISH – OUS! It was the most wonderful new food experience I’ve had in a long time.

When it comes to food, I’m pretty damn picky (ask my wife). But trying different combinations is the only way of even having the possibility to find that diamond in the rough. So the next time you encounter a strange combination of foods and think to yourself, “that’s disgusting”, try it anyway. You’re probably right.

But maybe, just maybe, it’ll taste unexpected.

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