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Internet Mask pt2

In part one, we talked about why it is so easy for internet interactions to lack empathy. It’s easy to turn to bullying and trolling from the anonymity and lack of accountability. The human on the other side is not really perceived as a human altogether.

So the deeper reason for WHY hate mongering, bullying, and general nastiness stems so prevalently in the world. Whenever this topic comes up, Gary Vaynerchuck explains that the person being unkind is hurt themselves.

Because they are hurt, they lash out a defense mechanism so that they don’t have to deal with their own issues. It’s very much a projection of their own unhappiness.

Truly happy successful people don’t put others down. There’s just no need for it. They have better things to do.

So how do we end the cycle? Have empathy for the trolls. Realize that they’re suffering themselves. This doesn’t mean that you need to engage them. No, don’t feed the trolls. Just realize that they are people too and are suffering.

Gary says the biggest thing that is needed in the world is kindness. Spread kindness.

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