
If you’ve ever had to deal with tree roots, you know that they are extremely difficult to remove from the ground. Makes sense though right? Trees grow tall, wide, and heavy. Logically they need a deep and strong foundation.

The Californian Redwoods are among the world’s largest trees. These giants can grow to heights over 350ft. Diameter of 24ft. Weight of over 1.6million lbs.

Such size, you’d expect the roots to run extremely deep as well. But the surprise is that the redwood’s roots are extremely shallow. 5-6 ft only. Instead, they spread outwards covering up to 100ft away. They intertwine with neighboring redwood roots.

This network and interdependency allows these majestic trees to live thousands of years old. Withstanding everything nature throws at it.

We humans are social creatures. Like the redwoods, we need our support system. What does your root system look like today? What can you to to expand it? Remember, we are all stronger together.

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