Treat yourself better

Since joining Centr a few months ago, we’ve been getting healthier. Between the fitness exercises and delicious food recipes, we’ve been feeling pretty good. A side added benefit is the Centr Facebook group. With a slew of positivity posts, it’s a great source to to lift each other up.

There’s often a a recurring theme however that is upsetting . There are a lot of people admitting that they’ve been down on themselves. Self body image issues. Sometimes sadness or loneliness.

It’s great that there is such a supporting community in Centr that these people can reach out to. But I’m left wondering why the need is there in the first place. What’s wrong with society that is creating all these problems?

I don’t have all the answers. I just want you all to think of someone who may need help in your life and reach out. That person might even be yourself. Treat yourself better.

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