Conspiracy Theories pt2- You’re not real, man!

We talked about flat earthers and Bill Gates being evil on part 1. And now we get to a new conspiracy theory.

3. QAnon. Now, if you haven’t heard of this one, you’re lucky. Unfortunately, I’m about to tell you about it (sorry, not sorry). In short, the claim of this conspiracy is that there’s an international pedophile elite that secretly abducts children and harvests their blood to make a youth serum.

yea… WHAT?

QAnon has it’s roots from the 2016 election campaign’s “pizzagate” that says Hilary Clinton is running a child sex ring operating out of a Washington D.C. pizza parlor. Then in 2017, strings of conspiracy theories appeared online that expanded on the original pizzagate idea, all signed by a mysterious “Q”.

Because of the political nature of these theories, they naturally attracted the alt-right and conservative extremists. They think that Trump is the only hope, the champion in order to save the children from the government pedophile machine.

I can’t make this stuff up.

So the third takeaway I got from looking at conspiracy theories is that there’s a strong base in misinformation. A good example analogy I can think of is the elementary school playground. Where Bobby tells you to stay away from Charlie because he has double cooties. What’s double cooties? Well, you see, Susie sat next to Charlie on the bus and she touched his arm. Before he can get his cootie shot – Billy flung a booger onto Charlie’s face. Ew. You gotta stay away from Charlie or else YOU’LL GET DOUBLE COOTIES TOO.

I’m going to try to regain my sanity now – and I suggest you do too.

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