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“If I had one of these, I could play just like Stu”

Bass Players United Facebook group posted a beautiful picture of a Kubiki Ex Factor Bass. In the early years of Stu Hamm’s career, the Ex Factor was his bass of choice.

The this comment that someone relied with, “if I had one of these, I could play just like Stu”, I bet a lot of people think like this. If I had a college degree I could get a better job. If I had rich parents, I would have the life I want. If I had a million dollars. I’d be happy.

But the truth is, all these things that “if I had”, are merely the tools to obtain what you want. And it’s a tiny part of the success equation. It’s all in the planning and execution. And lacking these tool is nothing more than excuses.

If you practiced like Stu, you could play like him. If you put in the practice at a craft that the market demands, you could get the job you want*. If you plan and execute, you can build the life you want. If you design your life to be happy, it won’t matter how much money you have.

*yes I know that some jobs require degrees, Doctor, lawyers in particular. Outside of that, really ask yourself, is this job something that you are passionate about? Why do you want THIS job? And if you can’t put together a reason that is based on your true passions, try to rethink your plans.

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