If You Truly Desire it, You WILL Find a Way to Make it Happen

Whether it is something you want to do or you don’t want to do, you’ll find a way.

Throughout middle school and high school, I was an active gymnast. So going to college, I enjoyed calisthenics but had no interest in lifting weights (or going to a regular gym to “work out”).

After college, I must have put on some weight – maybe the freshman 15 became a permanent 15…. or 30… My mom signed me up for the local gym when it opened and encouraged me and my brother to go.

I can honestly say, in about 10 years of paying for that gmy membership, I went approximately 3 times. One of which was on my mom’s birthday. When I asked, what would you like for your birthday? and she replied, I want you to come to the gym with me to work out.

Yea, I couldn’t get out of that one.

About 5 years ago, long after I cancelled my gym membership, I decided one day that I’d like to build muscles. I got some weights from my former roommate. I researched exercises targeting different muscle groups. I researched diets and much to the dismay of anyone that knew me at that time – I ate a LOT of boiled chicken. (hey I didn’t mind it actually).

The thing was. After so much encouragement to do something (go to the gym), I had zero desire to do so – and in over 10 years, (almost) nothing could make me do it.

And then, when the desire arose from within, I took all the steps to make it happen. There was nothing that could stop me from finding a way.

So, if you’re at a loss of something you THINK you want and still haven’t done – there is something inside you that is preventing you from doing it.

And you must evaluate, if it is something you TRULY desire. If it is, you would have found a way to do it.

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