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Face Your Mistakes

Today was not a good day. I have not seen my wife this annoyed in a long time- maybe this is the most frustrated I’ve ever seen her.

And it was was caused by something I did or at least contributed to. The kitchen sink drain is clogged. Completely clogged.

We drano’ed last night while it was still flowing and today when we tried to plunge it, it became completely clogged. There were bits of white particles indicating grease build up. Since I’m the designated dishwasher, I’m the one that’s supposed to wipe out ALL the grease to prevent any from going into the sink.

The clog is clear evidence that I haven’t been doing a good job on that so I have to take responsibility.

I tried two different snakes. The plastic went all the way down meaning the clog was beyond the range of a foot’s length. The steel snake had trouble flexing through the ‘U’ bend so it didn’t dislodge the clog either.

Alas we had to call maintenance and who knows when they’ll be able to come fix it. In the meantime, the kitchen is largely unusable and a mass cleaning effort will be needed after the drain is resolved to rid the area of random splashes.

The damage is done now and there’s nothing I can do except wait. I’m trying to not let it affect my mood but since I can fix the situation, I’m having trouble fixing my wife’s mood too. We’re cordial to each other but the air is thick with annoyance.

The only other thing I can do is apologize, accept my responsibilities, and face the mistakes I’ve made.

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