Inauguration Day 2021

Today, President Elect Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States of America.

Unfortunately, I was busy working and could not watch the live inauguration, there was a feeling in the air. A fresh feeling. Turning of a new page feeling.

While there was a lot of joy all around social media, I kept my emotions in check. On the stock market front, there is definitely an increased fear of a crash.

I just have to remember, the Market is a fickle thing. This could be a crash coming as the new administration smashes corporations with regulations and taxes. Or this could be the beginning of the next great 15+ year bull run.

But in the end, it comes down to this.

The President does not affect my day to day. The President does not impact much of my near term future. The President does not impact how I live my life.

But I cannot deny that there is a sense of security. Of calmness. Of stability that is coming to our lives in the US.

Happy Inauguration Day!

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