Soul – Barbershop

Yesterday we watched Soul on Disney Plus. Wow. It was amazing. It’s taken me a full day to process a lot of the ideas and concepts presented in the movie. And I’m sure there’s more depth that I can go on it.

Today, I’ll just talk about the scene in the barbershop. Spoilers ahead – so if you haven’t seen this movie yet, go watch it!

In 22’s quest to find her “spark” after thousands of years searching, we arrive in the barbershop to get Joe’s body an appropriate haircut for the gig of a lifetime.

Because of the barber Des’s obvious passion, enthusiasm, and skills for cutting hair, 22 assumes that he was “born to be a barber”.

Des then reveals that he had always wanted to be a veterinarian. But life pushed him in a different direction. With a sick daughter and limited funds, barber school was more affordable than veterinarian school.

But it turns out being a barber gave Des everything he’s wanted – making a difference in people’s lives. He had found his spark.

It’s good to have plans. But it’s also okay if plans don’t work out. You make new plans. It might just be the where you find YOUR spark.

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