Resistance to Change – Fear

There is a general mindset among the masses that changes are bad. As social animals with survival hard wired into our brains, we naturally place a lot of value in the comfort of the status quo.

And even if you consciously embrace changes, it’s very likely there is a tight subconscious grip holding you back from making your next big change.

Of course, that tight grip is nothing other than fear. Arguably, fear of the unknown is the biggest challenge most of us will ever go through. Fear of failure eliminates the possibility of succeeding.

Before we talk about overcoming fear, what’s the point of change then if all these obstacles and out instincts are telling us don’t?

Think back to your last big life change. Was it a good change? What initiated it? What would you life look like if it didn’t happen? If it was a good change, chances are that you’re glad the change took place. If it was not a good change, what would you have done differently? What did you learn.

Hopefully with this exercise you find yourself in agreement that changes in moving forward is good for you.

So how do we overcome fear? First you need to look inward and analyze what you want. Then look at the obstacles you need to overcome. And then the tools you need. And then how to get those tool. and finally to take action.

Start by asking yourself, am I happy with my circumstances? What changes would I like to see that I would consider a good thing?

Then keep going. What is needed to make those changes happen? What is holding me back? What am I afraid of? What do I need to overcome those fears?

Make a plan with a timeline. And execute. Make it happen, captain!

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