A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

You may have heard this phrase before, most famously used by JFK in 1963. The meaning is that improving an economy benefits everyone within the economy.

When it comes to knowledge, this is almost always the case. There has been an old fashioned mindset that withholding certain information from your peers is the best or only way to get ahead.

There’s a vendor I know about where the culture is to horde information. With a high turnover rate of staff cycling within the company, this culture was very detrimental to us as their customer. Every few months, we have the same conversation with new members in order to catch them up.

This also applies to your daily life. When you learn something new, share it. You never know who may be in need of this information.

Today, the availability of information is so vast. The ease and accessibility to share is equally huge.

There’s really no excuse to to help in raising the tide where all of us can rise to be our best selves.

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