Loser’s Mindset | Self Sabotage

When it comes to competitive nature, everyone is different. Some need to win at all cost. While others just want to have fun and winning doesn’t matter at all.

In team games such as League of Legends, sometimes when a team is about to win, someone will put up a surrender vote. Obviously this makes no sense, but he’s humor the possible reasons.

  1. That person legit thinks we can’t win despite about to. Likelihood? never.
  2. That person is being sportsmanlike, in the case of a stomp, they feel bad so they want to give a win to the team that just spend 10-30minutes not having a good time. Most likely not the case either.
  3. That person is straight trolling. Yea, this happens online all the time. Internet trolls whose sole purpose is to ruin someone else’s online experience.
  4. That person is trying to extend the game because they’re doing well. And by doing well they’re having fun and wants to extend that fun by extending the current state of the game in progress rather than risk a new game where they might not have the upper hand. This case? Almost ALL cases.

Now sometimes this doesn’t come in the form of a surrender vote. It could be that they call for the team to retreat on the open Nexus. Or literally type in chat “don’t end”.

I call this a loser’s mindset. For me, while a stomp is not as enjoyable as a hard fought win, a win is still a win. And I’m fine with resetting to a new game at the risk of losing a secured upper hand. Throwing the game for the sake of extending a won game – and risking losing the game? No thanks.

This kind of mindset spreads to other parts of people’s lives in the form of risk taking. Take gambling or trading. It’s common to fall into the trap of riding wins instead of taking profits. Whether from greed or from over confidence, the continued or increased risk eventually leads to a disappointing loss.

At the end of the day, this unnecessary exposure to risk is a form of self sabotage.

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