Is it Worth Doing if Results are Not Guaranteed?

If success is certain, the work done is not innovative. It is routine.

While it is commonly said that the journey is its own reward, we are conditioned in a society that pushes for results over everything else.

Sales targets must be hit. KPI metrics have to be met. Earnings calls needs to improve year over year.

When these results aren’t reached, uncomfortable questions are asked. What went wrong? Who didn’t do their job?

It’s no wonder in this kind of environment, there’s no room for innovation. The education system and common job cultures just want drones to complete routine work to keep the cogs of the machine running.

It is up to us individuals to awaken ourselves out of the Matrix and look to do innovative work. Work that is meaningful. Work that attempts to solve interesting problems. And yes, work that have a high chance of failure.

Only then will the journey really be worth its own reward.

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