Lefty Eating | Try Something New Every Day

Today I ate a bowl of cookies and milk with my left hand. The new part is the left hand; I eat my original creation of “Cookie Soup” all the time. Now, I’m semi-ambidextrous, as I can write lefty really slow and ugly, but its legible.

But it forced me to slow down and concentrate more on eating than I normally do. I feel like I may have enjoyed my Oreo Cookie Soup more than usual. Each spoonful of milk and cookies required precise delivery so I didn’t shovel a mess onto my face or splash milk all over the desk.

I found the experience very satisfying on the whole.

I want to challenge everyone to make a conscious decision to do one routine activity differently.

It’s something that will force your brain to wake from the stupor of just trying to get through to the weekend. Break away from monotony and routine. It’s something with no actual risk yet will train your brain to embrace something new and “uncomfortable”.

With this training, there’s a good chance when you face an actual challenge, your brain will be up to the task.

Who knows, you may also find out something about yourself in the process.

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