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Dead Car Battery | Don’t Panic

Within minutes of my wife leaving the apartment to go to her dance lesson, I get a call.

“The car won’t start”

“Ok, I’m coming down”, I throw on some clothes because even though I was still working, it’s still pandemic quarantine.

Sure enough, I get to the car and pop in my key. The car makes a struggling noise but the engine wont turn over. I check the interior lights and they turn on so the battery isn’t completely dead…. just mostly dead.

But no time for that! Krista needs to get to dance! But I take the opportunity to grab the 20 roll pack of toilet paper from the trunk.

We walk over to the other car which hasn’t been driven in weeks. (again, the whole quarantine thing…) We didn’t even bother cleaning the snow off from the last 3 storms but that’s fine because it’s all melted off the car but there’s still a ring of snow surrounding the car, about 6 inches high.

At this time, my wife is noticeably anxious to get to her lesson, so I said, “hold the toilet paper, I’ll get the car out”

After I get the car out, I tell Krista, “Don’t worry about the car, just have fun at your lesson”

I go back upstairs and start looking up possible reasons for ignition not turning over.

The most obvious is low battery. But a handful of other possibilities include blown fuse, electric circuit issues, spark plug. I guess I could call triple A too. But let’s see what we can find out ourselves.

I decide maybe I can see if the fuse is blown easily so I go back down to the car, pop the hood, and look at the fuse box… I can’t tell.

I try starting the car again. Another feeble groan which sounds more dying than before. Ok, it definitely needs outside assistance.

Meanwhile, I called my mom to have her confirm she’s still got the jumper cables in her car. She suggests that I ask my brother since he’s got a battery jumper.

Mom is the best.

So I go back upstairs. It’s Wednesday. There’s no rush to jump the car until the weekend when we need to get take out. Yes, I said “NEED” to get takeout.

So I check with my brother and he’s able to stop by on Friday.

The day ends and the evening’s excitement wasn’t too exciting thankfully. I remained calm throughout the ordeal.

So when you face something unexpected like a dead battery. Keep calm. Don’t panic. There’s just no need.

If I didn’t have mom or my brother to turn to, there are still neighbors. Honda dealer is also < 5 miles away. If you need a solution, all you have to do it look for it.

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