Staying Positive on a Negative Day

If Tuesday was a red day on the stock market, today was… Crimson? What’s redder than red? Uber red?

Well, that’s how it was today. Superslide down and down.

Combination of reasons, you pick and choose which one you think caused this, but it’s a bit of everything.

  • The 10 year Treasury bond went up past 1.5%
  • Fear of Inflation
  • Perceived market bubble
  • Stimulus incoming
  • Earnings have been generally positive across the board.
  • Coronavirus cases going down so people think the world will reopen soon therefore pulling money out of the market.
  • It’s Thursday and the market just wants to seal the coffin on my options this week.

Yup, you read all of the above correctly. Nothing makes sense. Yet here we are.

So how do we stay positive on such a negative day? Well, we practice mindset.

We don’t practice on the negative days. No, we need to practice on the positive days, then it’s easy. So when we finally are faced with such terribleness, we are better able to absorb the blow.

Yes, it will still suck. Yes, you’ll still feel it.

But, you’ll be able to keep your head on straight. Think clearly. Not make rash decisions.

You will not fall into a negative spiral. We’ve all been there. Once it starts, it’s hard to get out.

What does practicing a positive mindset even mean? It’s simple. The secret is gratitude.

Have gratitude for the big blessings in your life. Have gratitude for the small and mundane. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the practice itself.

Notice and appreciate the things you have in your life.

First thing when you wake up. Or right before falling asleep. Or during a lunch break.

Keep it consistent and make an effort to do it.

Now go get practicing a positive mindset, every day. Pay attention to the good days and make sure you’re still practicing!

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