Writing About Writing Prompts

Upon looking for a writing prompt today. I decided to write about writing prompts.

There are dozens of sites with collections of writing prompts. I see a variety of topics ranging from fantasy, dramatic, serious, light hearted, sci fi – there are literally thousands of prompts.

So, why are there so many so readily available from just one google search?

Well, it’s no secret, the term “writer’s block” is common term for artists looking at a blank page of canvas, evidently stuck to begin. We often look for that muse, or spark of inspiration. We think that is what gets us to create successful work. And we sometimes wait, paralyzed and end up never getting started.

But really, the process is backwards. Inspiration and passion comes from doing the work itself. Doing the work enables our creativity to flow. For amazing product to be made.

According to Seth Godin, writer’s block is just the fear of failure. We’re trained to expect results from our work. When results aren’t achieved, the work is looked down upon. But that is just not true.

As Seth says, every best selling author became so by first being just an author. And every author writes. If you write, you are an author.

An interesting thing to note is that the number of writing prompts out there is proof that the desire to write. The need to write. The calling for creative work is widespread.

We WANT to create, but sometimes we feel that we need help.

There’s nothing wrong with using prompts. We should use whatever tools are available to us. And the important thing is to enable us to do the creative work.

That’s what matters in the end. Do the work with no regard for perceived success of failure.

Hey, with enough “bad” work, there’s bound to be some good work that sneaks in there!

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