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Will You Keep Up With the Future?

Technology and innovation is changing really fast. The most recent fad is NFT’s or Non Fungible Tokens which are more or less digital collectables.

And, of course, there’s BitCoin which have a bunch of people scratching their heads about digital currency. The world is split between the believers, the non-believers, and the people who have no idea what’s even going on.

Our fear of course is being completely left behind. When the world went from the gold standard to the paper currency, People left behind were the ones who couldn’t wrap their heads around it. How can paper replace this shiny gold I physically hold? How is that better?

And then there’s the shift to credit cards and electronic exchanges moving away from physical cash. This is one transition I’ve seen in my own lifetime. My younger coworkers never have any cash on them. Makes me feel old.

So how do we not fall behind and turn into a boomer overnight?

The first thing to do is to listen/watch informational sources that are paying attention to the latest in tech and finance news. Paying attention to the US/Global economies on a macro level is also important. While it’s hard to sift out fear mongering and trending headlines for the sake of trending with no real substance, it’s still important to see what is being talked about by the media.

In order to sort though the mess, seek out people who share similar interests. If you don’t have friends who want to talk about BTC, consider perusing or even joining online communities that discuss these topics.

After all, we are social creatures. Everything is better when we’re part of a like minded community. We may have a habit of resisting change, but the future will come with or without you. Don’t get left behind. Plus, being a part of the future before it happens is exciting!

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