She’s Coming In Too Hot!

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. Nebula is hellbent on killing Gamora. She crashes her ship into her sister with guns firing. At this point, my wife yells out ” She’s coming in too hot!” I laughed because it was true. Making such is grand entrance is overkill.

And there’s always a reason, an emotion behind overkill. Nebula says she wants to kill Gamora. But the end of the fight, Nebula reveals that it was Gamora that always needed to win. And all Nebula really wanted was a sister.

Yea, I know it’s a movie. A superhero movie so everything is bigger. But the reason these movies work are because of the human element. The connections we can relate on the emotional level.

We can empathize with Nebula’s tortured past. We don’t need to have experienced being tortured by a mad titan to understand her feelings.

What can we do with this info for our own lives? Well, in real life, people do things that are overkill all the time.

Next time you hear someone coming in too hot with their actions, don’t judge too early – there’s a story behind what they’re doing.

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