Perseverance Is Choosing To Act When You Least Feel Like It

Today was another one of those days where there’s no motivation. It was filled with chores. Laundry, dishes, groceries. Nothing of interest really happened.

I feel exhausted, uncreative, unmotivated. Yet here I am, writing this blog.

I didn’t decide today that I would write. I decided months ago that I would write today. It takes the decision out.

Every day we are faced with lots of choices for that day. I could have let my wife do the laundry this morning alone. This afternoon I could have let the dishes continue to pile up in the sink. Today I could have skipped this blog.

But I had removed the writing choice from myself. It was a commitment from my past self to my future self.

I’m tired, but I still write. It might not be my best work, but I don’t get to decide that. And the best work will never appear if you don’t do mediocre work and below average work.

This is the meaning of perseverance. It isn’t difficult to write and create when you’re full of ideas. The real challenges comes on days like today, when there’s no motivation.

Will you persevere on days like today?

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