Too Tired? Nah, Get Up and Go

It seems that these days, I’ve been writing a lot about being exhausted and tired. I’m sure many people feel this way. Some are tired of the quarantine and pandemic. Others may have been tired from prior to the lock down. And some are just straight tired.

Right now, I’m in the third group. Maybe I haven’t been sleeping well. Pressures from work and obligations feel like they’re closing in.

But despite the fatigue and lack of motivation, you just get up and keep going. You’re not doing your work today for yourself today. You’re doing work today for yourself and your family in the future.

That’s how work… works. Today at lunch, still being sore from workouts, I did Centr’s Dan’s 8 minute challenge. It consisted of isometric holds for 30 seconds and an active portion for 15 seconds with 15 second rest…. X 8.

It was a killer.

And at 8pm, after a long day of work, I dragged myself to the dance studio for dance fitness. 45 minutes of heart thumping exercise. I could have just trudged along, but instead I gave it my all. Trying to work on technique while trying to get enough oxygen to my body and ignoring the screaming muscles from the feet to the sides to the arms.

It’s these days when you’re feeling down, it’s even more important to get up and go.

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