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Sometimes You Just Need Takeout for Dinner

At around 3pm today my wife asked me if we could get some Ricky’s Thai for dinner. Without hesitation, I said, “hell yea!”

You see, this weekend was my wife’s birthday and we had quite a delicious food fest. Starting with our favorite doughnut shop by the shore, Purple Glaze. She went for a triple vegan PB&J (two on a chocolate base and one with vanilla base).

We then stopped by an antique shop and picked up some nice hats. We were hungry again shortly after so we drove over to Shanghai Dumpling for our favorite juicy xiaolong bao. We came prepared with spoons and chopsticks so we can eat these soup dumplings in the car before going home to eat the rest. Of course I got my signature aromatic beef noodle soup… times two.

Sunday, I don’t know… we had a rough day. We lost an hour to daylight savings. We started to think that our allergies is actually a cold. My wife got it worse than me. I just feel tired.

So today, my wife stopped work early and was resting on the beanbag when I heard the request for take out.

That’s the real reason I immediately said yes. Because, sometimes, we just need takeout for dinner.

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