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Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Some of the worst mistakes you can make are when you’re not in a good headspace. Or when you’re in a desperate situation. Let’s use a mild example, but it is true for more serious cases too.

When you’re hungry and you go grocery shopping. SO many things look good. And it’s really easy to grab extra snacks you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

So why should we not get comfortable? Well, life is ever changing and moving. If you get comfortable when the going is good, you’re stuck making decisions when things aren’t going well. With the grocery example, when you’ve eaten and have a clear mind, that’s when you want to buy food.

On more serious decision – don’t make wait until you’re broke to plan for your financial future. When you have a good job, keep your resume updated. When you have a steady income, keep developing skills useful for in the market.

Make decisions when you have the upper hand. Don’t get complacent and wait until your options become limited, or worse, decisions are made for you by someone else.

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