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If You Don’t Know, Just Ask

Tonight, I volunteered to do our weekly grocery shopping by myself. Armed with the shopping list I venture off to ShopRite. My wife had pruned the list down to help me out and even taken pictures of the deodorant and dental floss that she uses.

But once I got to the store, I had questions. The dental floss original version was sold out. So I texted to ask if mint was okay – and yes it was, but she didn’t want the multipack.

Later, I saw that there were some spicy sausages on sale. And since I was shopping on an empty stomach, I grabbed it. But I knew my wife was doing really well in maintaining her diet so, again, I texted to ask if I should get it.

She said that if I wanted it, she’ll cook it for me. SOLD!

I could have made these decisions myself. And sometimes, that’s the right thing to do. But in this case, and most times, when you want to know something, just ask.

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