Don’t Be An Over Consumer

The word of the day from this weekend was vacuous: emptied of or lacking content. And today I thought about how we as a society overindulge on vacuous entertainment.

Perhaps we’re just too tired from our daily grind of the rat race. Maybe we just need a break from the work and obligations.

So we start toss on a random show or movie to fill the time. And then we watch whatever comes on after. Until it’s time to for bed, and we start the next day again and again.

But what if, we are deliberate with our time? What if we decide in advance what we want to watch for the day and then stop? And what if we dedicate some of that time that would have been the 2nd or 3rd show, instead to something else? Maybe learn a new skill? Or even just read to broaden our minds?

It’s time to get out of the habit of over consumption. Especially on vacuous content.

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