Guard Your Time With Your Life

How many hours do you have each day? The correct answer is: same as everyone else. So why do you feel like you have less time than someone else?

Well, it’s because you let your time get away from you.

If you’ve never done a time study of your day, I’d strongly encourage it.

From the show “The Office,” what would be Michael's psychologically  diagnosis? He seemed to have a lot of issues. - Quora

Hopefully you’ll find you’re using your time just a tad better than Michael Scott in the Office. But there’s a good chance, you’ve wasted a lot of it.

What is your time worth?

If you answered in terms of dollars / hour, then you’re an employee with an employee’s mindset. Try to think yourself as an executive of your time and your life. Being to think of how much value you can provide with your time. It is the secret to why some people will get paid minimum wage while others are paid millions per year.

So how do you squeeze more value out of your time? The quickest way without improving any hard skills in your job/career, is to improve how you use your time.

By batching similar tasks together and eliminating distractions, you will become more efficient. Avoid multitasking like the plague! you’ll do multiple things poorly.

Remember, we only have a limited amount of time available to us – guard it at all cost.

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