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Focus On Your Strengths

The well rounded person is a myth. And a fool’s quest. If you try to improve and cover all your weaknesses, you’ll just end up mediocre, at best.

Instead, focus on what you’re strong in. What are you really good at? Make it your mission to get it even better. Excel. Blow others out of the water. This is where you’re able to provide value to the world.

Think about it from a successful business’s point of view. Would they hire someone for an accounting position who’s only okay at accounting but is pretty sociable? Or would they be better off hiring the accounting prodigy who happens to be standoff-ish?

Just a simple example but it holds true for all things. Keep this in mind for both yourself and in mentoring the young. Recognize and fostering individual’s talents will not only be good for society, you’ll help these people enrich their lives.

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