The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie

You know the smell from the oven. Minutes before you taste or even see them. There’s no mistake that it’s chocolate chip cookies.

When they do come out of the oven, you see the ball of the dough has spread into a flat dome across the pan. Each visible chocolate chip is perfectly melted in place.

The next minutes are agonizing as you wait for the cookies to cool enough for consumption. The heat and aroma radiates from the pan, taunting your senses.

At last it is time to take a bite. Picking up a cookie, there is a nice crisp base holding the soft cookie together. As you break off a piece, the slightest steam escapes as the gooey chocolate leaves a melted trail.

Finally putting a piece of cookie into your mouth, you close your eyes. After the long wait, your tongue gets to taste it. The perfect chocolate chip cookie.

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