The Calm Before The Market Crash

Today is day 12 that $SPY, the S&P500 index ETF has been on a green tear upwards. The Nasdaq index NDX is slowly creeping upwards while the Russell2000 index RUT is largely flat.

With this kind of slow grind upwards, it is very scary to actively trade in the market. As the analogy goes, when the market is going up, it is the stairs, but when the market goes down, it uses the elevator.

But how much longer will the slow climb go? No one knows for sure. What we do know is that when the market crashes (and it will), it will likely be fast and violent. The best we can do is keep an eye out on the news while making sure each trade we put on has it’s stop loss levels.

Be safe in the market. This is the calm before the storm. Keep your positions small!!

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