Good News! You Get To Choose Your Destiny

Because nothing happens overnight.

Where you are now is the accumulation of the large collection of your past choices.

Of course, there are events outside of your control. But what is always in your control is how you choose to respond to those events.

The first step is your perspective. Two people can be present at the same event, yet their experiences are different because of their perspective. Classic example that we don’t need to go into: is the glass half full or half empty?

Next, by keeping an open mind of possibilities and looking for opportunities, your mind will work to find ways to move forward. We’re surprisingly resilient, but it’s about conditioning. The beaten and downtrodden mind got that way from oppression over time.

Pick a direction where you want to be. If you’re not there today, don’t worry. Like Jim Rohn says, “you’re not a tree!”

So there’s good news for your future, regardless of if you’re satisfied with where you are today.

Your choices today, good or bad, will set you in motion to a different tomorrow.

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