What Is Your Relationship With Money?

When you hear that someone is very rich, what is your first thought? Do you think, “she probably inherited it.” Or do you think, “she probably worked hard to get to where she is.”

When you see someone driving an expensive sports car, what pops into your head? “He’s probably overcompensating for something,” or, “He probably deserves to treat himself to such a nice car.”

Be honest. The most likely responses are the first ones above. That’s because it’s the story we are told growing up. You’ve probably heard it from your parents, your friends, your peers.

In order to change your relationship with money, Dan Lok says to treat money like a person in your life.

Let’s call him Bob. If you start saying things like, “Bob is the root of all evil”, “We don’t talk about Bob”, “Bob isn’t that important to me”.

Do you think Bob is going to stick around? Hell no, and why would money when you treat it so poorly?

This doesn’t mean that you enslave yourself to money (you wouldn’t enslave yourself to Bob either). But you need to talk about money, respect money, invest in your relationship with money.

Changing your mindset sounds very ‘woo woo’, but the truth is everything starts in the mind.

Start treating money right, and you might just see that more money will come find you.

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