Knowing It Can Be Done – Seth’s Blog

Today on Seth Godin’s daily blog, he talks about how taking the leap is the hard part, while iterative improvements are not only easier, but they’re inevitable.

This reminds me of an often cited example of how nobody believed that a 4 minute mile was possible. That is, until 1954 when Roger Bannister broke that invisible barrier at age 25. Since then, thousands of people have been able to do it.

Are humans fundamentally and physically different before and after 1954? Well, maybe nutrition, training, and even running shoes have improved. Of course, the real barrier is psychological. Just two months later at the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, another 2 runners ran the mile under 4 minutes.

The level was unlocked. Just the fact of knowing it could be done allowed the people to achieve it, to duplicate it.

What is something you want to do or achieve in your life but you don’t think is possible? Is it in finance – want to become a millionaire? Is it in relationships – want to find a partner? Is it personal – want to lose weight?

Take a look others that have achieved what you want. Get it drilled into your mind that it’s possible, even for you. Yes, YOU!

You need to break through your psychological barrier and really believe it, know that it can be done.

Then you’ll be able to do it too.

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