This Is My 200th Blog Post Bonanza

There’s no finish line. No cheering crowd or trophy for reaching this milestone.

There’s not even an audience that I know of right now paying attention.

But I continue to move forward and put out a post every day. This is number 200 so I’ll share some thoughts on the highs and lows of this daily practice.

It’s hard work to maintain consistency.

It gets easier in the sense that there’s momentum after you gather a chain of consecutive blogs. You want to keep it going and not break the next link. But in reality, each day starts from a blank slate. You reset and start at zero – every day.

Becoming a better writer.

With daily deliberate practice, it’s inevitable that skills will improve over time. The big improvement I’ve seen is speed. I’m becoming faster with my writing. Logical flows and sentences come easier. Not needing to spend as much time with “writer’s block”, there’s less and less excuses to output the work.

Pride, confidence, and sense of accomplishment.

It’s not easy to do the work, so publishing completed deliverables encourages me to keep going. Not just being a consumer, but a creator gives me pride. The confidence comes from the consistency. Knowing that there’s a body of work behind me means that I know I can create the next 200 blog post in front of me.

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