Happy Mother’s Day 2021

This past Wednesday, I get a call from my mom. The house’s water heater was leaking. Water seeped throughout the kitchen and also to the neighbor’s kitchen.

In fact, my mom didn’t know there was a leak until the neighbor had gotten someone to come check out their wet kitchen and the cause was traced back to my mom’s house.

Immediately stopping by the house, I spoke to Northeast Power Dry and Gold Medal Services that evening to schedule a replacement and drying of the kitchen the next day into the weekend.

It was stressful, tiring, and quite costly.

But at the end of the day(s), it was a problem I felt blessed to have. I was able to spend a few extra hours hanging out with my mom. We did get to chat about some random stuff.

I’m extremely grateful to have my mom, be able to see and talk to her, even if it is under stressful unfortunate circumstances.

So, I hope you called YOUR mom if you were able to today. And maybe do it more frequently. It doesn’t have to be just one day a year you appreciate Mother’s Day.

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