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Selling Hours | Money For Time?

In today’s blog Seth Godin addresses a topic that has been on my mind for quite a while now. There’s quite a common social acceptance that most people do not enjoy their jobs. They are only working for the weekend, counting down the time before leaving, and worst of all, dreading returning to work.

The big problem that Seth doesn’t address on his blog is the fact that most people do not know that there are other options. Perhaps they need to first think about what they’re getting paid to do first, but I think that without the glimpse into another world, they will forever be stuck.

This other world is the fact that there are limitless opportunities to make money in the world today. Of course there are tradeoffs, and run away fast if anyone claims the possibility to get rich quickly and effortlessly.

The fact remains though, that there is a lot of money to be made, ranging from taking online surveys (REALLY terrible return on your time), marketplace arbitrage, to picking up a new skill and starting your own side hustle.

Remember that the marketplace places importance of value above all else. No one cares that you spent 20 hours on a project versus 15 minutes. The only thing that matters is that it is done. Think about that and how you use your time working.

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