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People losing their minds, first Snowmageddon of 2022?

long line of shoppers and carts
Hundreds of people stood in line to checkout in Costco on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, in Juneau, Alaska. (Photo by Rashah McChesney/KTOO) says there’s a winter advisory alert in the Princeton, NJ area from 9:49 PM tonight until 10:00AM tomorrow.

For Snow… Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches.

This evening I went to pick up some beef and potatoes for a new slow cooker recipe… and ShopRite was PACKED.

I got to talking with some lady in line. We were amazed at the amount of panic.

Much of the prepared food was gone. Eggs wiped clean. Bread, forget about it.

All because of 2-4 inches of snow overnight.

I couldn’t help but relate this human behavior to what happens in the stock market.

The herd mentality and FOMO leads people to panic at the slightest news of change.

For the weather, we haven’t had a snow storm all winter. So the first sign is causing massive panic.

But anyone older than… 10 years old? should remember that we’ve gotten a foot, two feet, even more in the past… There was no reason to panic then. And there’s no reason to panic now.

Stop panicking. Get on with your life.

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