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Would you be mad to see a $35 parking ticket?

Angry face of a light colored cat

5 years ago, I was on a first date. Lunch at Ramen Nagomi in New Brunswick.

The date was going well. So well, in fact, that I didn’t notice the ramen I finished eating wasn’t even the correct dish I ordered.

After lunch, we decided to walk around town and settled at a cafe to continue our date. During what I’m sure was an exciting tale, I wildly waved my arm and knocked my coffee onto her lap.

Panicking, I ran for paper towels as fast as I could. Luckily, my date accepted at least one of the dozen apologies I stuttered… and the evening continued.

As it was getting late, we decided to get dinner at the Roosterspin to round out the night.

By the time I got back to my car, I had completely forgotten that the meter expired hours ago.

And there sat a $35 parking ticket.

Was I mad? Nope.

Because here we are today. Happily married. And each day, I am as grateful as I was on that first date about all the good things that were happening.

Bad things happen all the time… You didn’t get the dish you ordered. You spill a drink on your date. You get a parking ticket.

Let it go.

Because 5 years later, none of that stuff matters.

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