The Super Mario Effect | Mark Rober TedxPenn

Mark Rober coins the Super Mario Effect as: Focusing on the Princess and not on the pits, to stick with a task and learn more. Mark includes a plethera of interesting projects he’s made such as a giant super soaker, giant nerf gun, (apparently oversized fun guns are a hit with as an uncle!), and … Read more

Why Is Investing So Different For Everyone?

The relationship everyone has with money is… complicated. So when it comes to how to invest and having that money make more money. Well, that’s just adding a whole web of choices on top of the already busy maze underneath. With so many asset classes to choose from, stocks, bonds, real estate, crypto, NFT’s… the … Read more

Picking Up Pennies On The Train Track

This phrase is a common description for selling high probability defined risk options strategies like credit spreads. With high probability, the capital required and risk is extremely high compared to the reward. The two NDX credit spreads I had left open overnight from yesterday was risking $9,400 to make $600. At the time of opening … Read more