Pattern Day Trader Rule is absolutely STUPID

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA designates individual as a pattern day trader if he/she executes more than three day trades in a rolling five business day period. If you get flagged, your account is locked from trading any new positions for 90 days. (oh, tt has to also be in a margin account and … Read more

Impatience | The Need To Do SOMETHING

Today was yet another painful market crash. Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen spoke today and they reiterated more of the same: inflation projected long term to be ~2% and they intend to keep it that way. So with no real “news” why did the market crash? Yet again? This is the third crash as JPow … Read more

Make It A Learning Opportunity

Challenges come up every day. Even easy stuff. Today, we had a customer request to put two electronic components into one enclosure. For context this is extremely unusual and to my knowledge, never been done before. But instead of just answering the email myself, I took the opportunity to give my back up colleague a … Read more