Deleted Scenes – Horcruxes

Movie/Book spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned. For Christmas, I got the full Harry Potter blue ray set (along with a blue ray player to watch them). So we’ve been going to town this whole week on them every evening. I was really glad about a minor detail fix that has always irked me in the … Read more

Tracking is the Only Surefire Way to Improvement

It’s important that you are tracking the correct things. Where visibility goes, so does focus naturally. If you’re struggling, start tracking what you’re doing. Don’t be afraid to change metrics. You may be surprised at which metrics really matter. There is another side effect of tracking, it is consistency. When you’re committed to tracking and … Read more

What does Passive Income REALLY mean?

The term passive income has become a big buzzword for people all over the internet. Whether it’s people looking to retire early, have an alternative to the 9-5 job, or some looking for a magic bullet. Everyone has a different idea what passive income means. While it’s true that everyone will agree upon the results … Read more

Keep a Log of Your Successes

Today was a rough day. Another 11hours between logging on and logging off. Tomorrow doesn’t look like it will be any better. Nor Thursday. At lunch, my stock option trades realized more disappointing losses. Doubt on my abilities are not only looming, but is pressing in on me from all sides. The whole day felt … Read more

The Great Rotation: Investing Carcinization

I encountered a new meme recently about how everything eventually evolves into crabs – a phenomenon called carcinization. A 2017 research paper showed that at least five different crustaceans species via convergent evolution turned into crab-like forms – you know – hard shells, pincers, flat and short bodies… I also read recently that investors em … Read more