Panic Selling is Fight or Flight

Today’s stock market was the first green day in a series of devastating red days throughout the last month. When the stock takes a dip, panic selling is commonplace. It is almost always a mistake. People often say that they’ll get out before it gets worse. And then say they’ll buy back in after it … Read more

What Do Bizarre Dreams Mean?

I woke up this morning utterly drained. I had train hopped, did some flips, attended a work presentation, saw Taylor Swift and Harry Potter in an auditorium, walked through a warehouse, drove a rental car, visited some YouTube stars, and even cleaned a public toilet seats – GROSS!!! I don’t always get vivid dreams, but … Read more

Perseverance Is Choosing To Act When You Least Feel Like It

Today was another one of those days where there’s no motivation. It was filled with chores. Laundry, dishes, groceries. Nothing of interest really happened. I feel exhausted, uncreative, unmotivated. Yet here I am, writing this blog. I didn’t decide today that I would write. I decided months ago that I would write today. It takes … Read more

She’s Coming In Too Hot!

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. Nebula is hellbent on killing Gamora. She crashes her ship into her sister with guns firing. At this point, my wife yells out ” She’s coming in too hot!” I laughed because it was true. Making such is grand entrance is overkill. And there’s always a reason, an … Read more

The Rise of the Knowledge Workers

Factories Baby! With the Industrial Revolution came factories, assembly lines, and big companies. Growth and prosperity ushered in for humans across America (and the globe). Large corporate entities became a thing, and they thrived as efficiencies blossomed. After all, if the costs can be lowered, more profits can be made while the end user can … Read more

Beware the Words You Choose

Language makes the basis of thought for humans. When you speak, the words you choose reflect your thoughts. And the way you think. When you use negative words, you’re shaping your worlds in the same context. Zig Ziglar encourages us to use phrases such as strongends (instead of weekends), go lights (instead of stop lights), … Read more

Will You Keep Up With the Future?

Technology and innovation is changing really fast. The most recent fad is NFT’s or Non Fungible Tokens which are more or less digital collectables. And, of course, there’s BitCoin which have a bunch of people scratching their heads about digital currency. The world is split between the believers, the non-believers, and the people who have … Read more

Don’t Sweat the Petty Stuff

Or was it, don’t pet sweaty stuff? No, it’s definitely don’t sweat the petty stuff. But maybe don’t pet sweaty stuff either… Ramit Sethi, the author of I Will Teach You to be Rich, talks about a woman reaching out to him and complaining about how her husband buys $3 iced tea everyday. It utterly … Read more