Car Battery Reviews | Social Proof

The car battery died again. After just successfully jumping it 2 days ago and driving the car around for about an hour, today the car wouldn’t start. Granted, I noticed that the trunk was left open so that must have re-drained the battery. Knowing that stock car battery life is about 5 years, it’s about … Read more

Writing About Writing Prompts

Upon looking for a writing prompt today. I decided to write about writing prompts. There are dozens of sites with collections of writing prompts. I see a variety of topics ranging from fantasy, dramatic, serious, light hearted, sci fi – there are literally thousands of prompts. So, why are there so many so readily available … Read more

Staying Positive on a Negative Day

If Tuesday was a red day on the stock market, today was… Crimson? What’s redder than red? Uber red? Well, that’s how it was today. Superslide down and down. Combination of reasons, you pick and choose which one you think caused this, but it’s a bit of everything. The 10 year Treasury bond went up … Read more

Dead Car Battery | Don’t Panic

Within minutes of my wife leaving the apartment to go to her dance lesson, I get a call. “The car won’t start” “Ok, I’m coming down”, I throw on some clothes because even though I was still working, it’s still pandemic quarantine. Sure enough, I get to the car and pop in my key. The … Read more

Lefty Eating | Try Something New Every Day

Today I ate a bowl of cookies and milk with my left hand. The new part is the left hand; I eat my original creation of “Cookie Soup” all the time. Now, I’m semi-ambidextrous, as I can write lefty really slow and ugly, but its legible. But it forced me to slow down and concentrate … Read more

You Can’t Change the Wind | You Can Only Adjust Your Sails

Every time we enter a trade, are are subject to the changing market conditions. Just like a sailor must embrace the changing winds. Today, the stock market was bloody red. Right from pre-market hours right through the closing bell. For me it was especially painful because of my Options Positions on TSLA. Over the weekend … Read more

What Goes on in Your Head to Solve 27 + 48?

I encountered this question on a random Facebook post. And perusing the comments revealed so many ways to solve the problem. First up, the “classic” method I was taught to do by paper. 7 + 8 = 5, carry the 1 over, making 2 + 4 + 1 = 7. So the Answer is 75. … Read more

Is it Worth Doing if Results are Not Guaranteed?

If success is certain, the work done is not innovative. It is routine. While it is commonly said that the journey is its own reward, we are conditioned in a society that pushes for results over everything else. Sales targets must be hit. KPI metrics have to be met. Earnings calls needs to improve year … Read more

Iron Condors Woke Me Up at 4:45am

I woke up super early suddenly. An idea struck me like lightning and there was no way I could stay in bed, let alone stay asleep. Let’s back up. This whole week has been red days on the stock market. I had a ton of put credit spreads open from last week – some I … Read more