Make Money On A Flat Stock Day

Today’s stock market after the opening gap up stayed largely flat. But there was still money to be made. In a flat day like today, it is the perfect opportunity for an Iron Condor. The Iron Condor is a Put Credit Spread combined with a Call Credit Spread. As long as the Short Strikes are … Read more

Pattern Day Trader Rule is absolutely STUPID

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA designates individual as a pattern day trader if he/she executes more than three day trades in a rolling five business day period. If you get flagged, your account is locked from trading any new positions for 90 days. (oh, tt has to also be in a margin account and … Read more

Impatience | The Need To Do SOMETHING

Today was yet another painful market crash. Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen spoke today and they reiterated more of the same: inflation projected long term to be ~2% and they intend to keep it that way. So with no real “news” why did the market crash? Yet again? This is the third crash as JPow … Read more

Stop Loss? Painful but Necessary

At 2:00pm today, Fed chair Jerome Powell gave a live report on the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) projection for inflation and economic growth over the next two years. Basically he said more of the same that he’s been saying for weeks: nothing is changing in the near future and the fed will continue to … Read more

Panic Selling is Fight or Flight

Today’s stock market was the first green day in a series of devastating red days throughout the last month. When the stock takes a dip, panic selling is commonplace. It is almost always a mistake. People often say that they’ll get out before it gets worse. And then say they’ll buy back in after it … Read more

Will You Keep Up With the Future?

Technology and innovation is changing really fast. The most recent fad is NFT’s or Non Fungible Tokens which are more or less digital collectables. And, of course, there’s BitCoin which have a bunch of people scratching their heads about digital currency. The world is split between the believers, the non-believers, and the people who have … Read more

Don’t Sweat the Petty Stuff

Or was it, don’t pet sweaty stuff? No, it’s definitely don’t sweat the petty stuff. But maybe don’t pet sweaty stuff either… Ramit Sethi, the author of I Will Teach You to be Rich, talks about a woman reaching out to him and complaining about how her husband buys $3 iced tea everyday. It utterly … Read more

Staying Positive on a Negative Day

If Tuesday was a red day on the stock market, today was… Crimson? What’s redder than red? Uber red? Well, that’s how it was today. Superslide down and down. Combination of reasons, you pick and choose which one you think caused this, but it’s a bit of everything. The 10 year Treasury bond went up … Read more

You Can’t Change the Wind | You Can Only Adjust Your Sails

Every time we enter a trade, are are subject to the changing market conditions. Just like a sailor must embrace the changing winds. Today, the stock market was bloody red. Right from pre-market hours right through the closing bell. For me it was especially painful because of my Options Positions on TSLA. Over the weekend … Read more