GME Saga Continues Part III

January 29, Friday. Expiration Day. The GME army is holding and continuing to buy GME. I get an email from Robinhood in the morning stating there’s limitations on the number of shares each account is allowed to buy: 5. A measly 5 shares only. It’s almost worse than keeping the buys shut off completely – … Read more

GME Trades Halted Again

Robinhood. Webull. Tastyworks. This morning, these brokerages of mine got shut off from the ability buy stocks or open new option positions on GME and a handful of other stocks. But the ability to sell was still there. And institutional traders can still buy these stocks. There were other brokerages too that shut the ability … Read more

GME – Short Squeeze

This week has been one for the record books – and it’s only Tuesday! So the super concise version of what’s happened. The phenomenon is called a Short Squeeze. To understand we a Short is a trading strategy used most often by Institutional Traders like hedgefunds to make money while betting that a stock’s price … Read more

A Calm Sea Does Not Make a Skilled Sailor

That’s the fortune cookie we got today. I was a bit surprised that the fortune was not only serious, but actually pretty good words of wisdom. We just came off one of, if not THE longest bull run in the stock market. And although past performances does not indicate future performances, we as investors can … Read more

Inauguration Day 2021

Today, President Elect Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States of America. Unfortunately, I was busy working and could not watch the live inauguration, there was a feeling in the air. A fresh feeling. Turning of a new page feeling. While there was a lot of joy all around social media, I … Read more

Automate and Increment

It’s the beginning of a new calendar year. If you’re currently employed, wouldn’t you like to get a raise? Since you’re in charge of your own retirement account, you should go ahead and give yourself a raise by increasing your 401k contribution by +1%. Some 401k plans even allow you to automate a +1% increase … Read more

What does Passive Income REALLY mean?

The term passive income has become a big buzzword for people all over the internet. Whether it’s people looking to retire early, have an alternative to the 9-5 job, or some looking for a magic bullet. Everyone has a different idea what passive income means. While it’s true that everyone will agree upon the results … Read more

Keep a Log of Your Successes

Today was a rough day. Another 11hours between logging on and logging off. Tomorrow doesn’t look like it will be any better. Nor Thursday. At lunch, my stock option trades realized more disappointing losses. Doubt on my abilities are not only looming, but is pressing in on me from all sides. The whole day felt … Read more

The Great Rotation: Investing Carcinization

I encountered a new meme recently about how everything eventually evolves into crabs – a phenomenon called carcinization. A 2017 research paper showed that at least five different crustaceans species via convergent evolution turned into crab-like forms – you know – hard shells, pincers, flat and short bodies… I also read recently that investors em … Read more