Be Your Best Self | Don’t Compare Your Journey to Someone Else’s

Luke Zocchi is a life long friend and now personal trainer for Chris Hemsworth aka Thor. People have often asked him why he looks like him and Chris looks like…. well, Thor. Luke responds with the fact that he does the same workouts and eats the same foods as Chris. But Chris’s genes allows his … Read more

If You Truly Desire it, You WILL Find a Way to Make it Happen

Whether it is something you want to do or you don’t want to do, you’ll find a way. Throughout middle school and high school, I was an active gymnast. So going to college, I enjoyed calisthenics but had no interest in lifting weights (or going to a regular gym to “work out”). After college, I … Read more

Treat yourself better

Since joining Centr a few months ago, we’ve been getting healthier. Between the fitness exercises and delicious food recipes, we’ve been feeling pretty good. A side added benefit is the Centr Facebook group. With a slew of positivity posts, it’s a great source to to lift each other up. There’s often a a recurring theme … Read more

Get up

It’s 5:45am. I’m tired. Did I even sleep? Doesn’t feel like it. I shuffle out to the living room. My back feels stiff but I check my workout planner anyway. Boxing: Non-Stop, with Michael Olajide Jr. Sounds horrible- I mean fun. Round 1. Jump ropes. I don’t have a jump rope so I mime it. … Read more