Great Expectations Lead to Big Nothingburgers

After waiting over 7 months, I finally got my Bobcat Helium miner. The Helium crypto network can be summed up as decentralized wifi where small IoT devices can operate. So, I excitedly get the unit from the apartment lobby. Download the app. Plug in the device. Activate. And… nothing. Reddit fellow Helium miners say that … Read more

New Year 2022 Reset and Restart | TomorrowMastery

Consistency is key. Yet, it is difficult to convert a new routine into habit. And have it stick. Could be a new years resolution. Like exercise. A new diet. Read or write more. My daily blog fell apart last May… or something like that. But much more fell apart last year. For many people like … Read more

WHAT IF… Do You Focus On Things You Can’t Change?

This is the Circle of Influence diagram from Steven Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. When you focus only on things that you can change, you are pushing out your circle of influence. Conversely, when you worry and think about things you cannot change, you end up crippling yourself and shrink your circle … Read more

Good News! You Get To Choose Your Destiny

Because nothing happens overnight. Where you are now is the accumulation of the large collection of your past choices. Of course, there are events outside of your control. But what is always in your control is how you choose to respond to those events. The first step is your perspective. Two people can be present … Read more

Heavy Emotion Toll Of Car Battery Replacement

Late this afternoon, I decided it was time to replace my car battery that has been on the fritz for several weeks. I needed to use the portable battery pack that my brother lent me all week just to start the car every time. There was an audible struggle on the ignition and it would … Read more

She’s Coming In Too Hot!

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. Nebula is hellbent on killing Gamora. She crashes her ship into her sister with guns firing. At this point, my wife yells out ” She’s coming in too hot!” I laughed because it was true. Making such is grand entrance is overkill. And there’s always a reason, an … Read more

Beware the Words You Choose

Language makes the basis of thought for humans. When you speak, the words you choose reflect your thoughts. And the way you think. When you use negative words, you’re shaping your worlds in the same context. Zig Ziglar encourages us to use phrases such as strongends (instead of weekends), go lights (instead of stop lights), … Read more

Staying Positive on a Negative Day

If Tuesday was a red day on the stock market, today was… Crimson? What’s redder than red? Uber red? Well, that’s how it was today. Superslide down and down. Combination of reasons, you pick and choose which one you think caused this, but it’s a bit of everything. The 10 year Treasury bond went up … Read more