First Monday of the year means back to work

The Office: bowling alley employee yells at Ryan to get "back to work, shoe bitch"

Holiday time means we get to be sloth-like. And take an extended break from work to relax. But since it’s Monday, many are back to the office… or at least back to work. Also back to work is the stock market. After an optimistic opening at the bell, the indices slumped through the day. But … Read more

New Year 2022 Reset and Restart | TomorrowMastery

Consistency is key. Yet, it is difficult to convert a new routine into habit. And have it stick. Could be a new years resolution. Like exercise. A new diet. Read or write more. My daily blog fell apart last May… or something like that. But much more fell apart last year. For many people like … Read more

Selling Hours | Money For Time?

In today’s blog Seth Godin addresses a topic that has been on my mind for quite a while now. There’s quite a common social acceptance that most people do not enjoy their jobs. They are only working for the weekend, counting down the time before leaving, and worst of all, dreading returning to work. The … Read more

The Super Mario Effect | Mark Rober TedxPenn

Mark Rober coins the Super Mario Effect as: Focusing on the Princess and not on the pits, to stick with a task and learn more. Mark includes a plethera of interesting projects he’s made such as a giant super soaker, giant nerf gun, (apparently oversized fun guns are a hit with as an uncle!), and … Read more

3 Ways To Prevent Shiny Object Syndrome From Running You Over

I think we all suffer from shiny object syndrome in one way or another. You know the symptoms. We find something interesting and we get motivated to find out more. We go down the rabbit hole, investing a bunch of time, effort, maybe even money. Until the next ‘shiny object’ catches our eyes. At it’s … Read more

Knowing It Can Be Done – Seth’s Blog

Today on Seth Godin’s daily blog, he talks about how taking the leap is the hard part, while iterative improvements are not only easier, but they’re inevitable. This reminds me of an often cited example of how nobody believed that a 4 minute mile was possible. That is, until 1954 when Roger Bannister broke that … Read more

WHAT IF… Do You Focus On Things You Can’t Change?

This is the Circle of Influence diagram from Steven Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. When you focus only on things that you can change, you are pushing out your circle of influence. Conversely, when you worry and think about things you cannot change, you end up crippling yourself and shrink your circle … Read more

Why Momentum Is Important For “S” Cash Flow Quadrant

Whatever you may feel about Robert Kiyosaki, his Cash Flow Quadrant is an amazing tool to categorize the types of way we make money. Today, we’ll focus on the “E” Employee and the “S” Self-Employed quadrants. For the Employee, the benefits are a steady income. A general piece of mind and security provided that your … Read more

Let Routine and Momentum Carry You Forward

One of the things Mike Winkelmann, aka Beeple, is known for is creating a piece of art everyday for more than 14 years. It’s gotten to the point where it’s gotten to 11:50pm and he’s scrambling to get the content published. But he always gets the work done. It has become a part of him, … Read more